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  3. TraceMet - Calculation and Reporting Rules - Traceability – a pilot for sustainable metals and minerals (TraceMet)

TraceMet - Calculation and Reporting Rules - Traceability – a pilot for sustainable metals and minerals (TraceMet)

It is important to use rules when tracing carbon footprint and degree of recycled content of metals. This report regards product category rules (PCR) for tracing of these parameters in a steel and copper value chain respectively for the project TraceMet that was run in year 2020.


This document was compiled during 2020 and early 2021 within the TraceMet project, funded by the strategic innovation program Swedish Mining Innovation, a joint investment of Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency. The document contains the Product Category Rules (PCR) - the methodology rules for how to calculate and report carbon footprint and recycled content for metal products. The document contains the Product Category Rules (PCR) - the methodology rules for how to calculate and report carbon footprint and recycled content for metal products and Specific Methods, Assumptions and Data (SMAD) for the two pilots with specific metal qualities.