Reduce climate impact from construction
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has developed quality-assured service packages for those who are in need of climate calculations or want to introduce climate requirements in procurement. The climate impact from construction must be reduced for the construction sector to become climate-neutral.
IVL Swedish Environmental Institute is a national leader in climate calculation of buildings and assists, among other things, in the development of the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's bill on the climate declaration and operates the procurement platform Climate Requirements at a reasonable cost.
We have packaged our extensive knowledge in a number of quality-assured services so that anyone can easily take the right steps from the start. The services also include reconciliation meetings with our climate calculation experts so that in addition to delivering quality in the results, we will also build up your knowledge as a customer.
We believe that quality is cheap in the long run, especially when you need to quickly build knowledge. We are here to support you along the way.
The following services can be ordered at a fixed price:
Frida GörmanLCA-specialist klimatpåverkan, bygg och fastighet