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  3. Proceedings from Workshop on System Studies of Integrated Solid Waste Management in Stockholm 2 - 3 April 2001

Proceedings from Workshop on System Studies of Integrated Solid Waste Management in Stockholm 2 - 3 April 2001

This international workshop was held to discuss results and experience from system studies of waste management system and methodological questions and issues based on case studies. The workshop gathered more than 40 participants. These proceedings document more than 20 presentations as well as six discussion sessions. An overall aim of the workshop was to draw some general conclusions from the presented studies concerning - waste strategies that generally seem to be favourable or not favourable - methodological approaches and assumptions that can govern the results - lack of knowledge.Considering the environmental aspects, the presented studies indicated that the waste hierarchy seems to be valid: * Paper and plastic: Material recycling < Incineration < Landfilling * Biodegradable waste: Incineration » Anaerobic digestion < Composting < Landfilling A number of key aspects that can influence the results were identified: * Avoided products (heat, electricity, material, fertiliser produced from waste). * Efficiency in power plants, heating plants etc. and also recycling plants. * Emissions and impacts from recycling plants - Landfilling models, e.g. time frames.* Final sinks: there should be a distinction between temporary sinks (landfills) and final sinks - Local conditions and local impacts are often neglected. * Electricity production * Choice of alternatives to compare can have an influence on the conclusions drawn. - Stakeholders' influence. * Linear modelling. * Data gaps. Especially data on toxic substances where identified as an important data gap