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  3. LIGHTHOUSE REPORTS BRAVE ECO - Benchmark for Reduction of Anchoring Vessels’ Emissions - Enabling Change of Operation

LIGHTHOUSE REPORTS BRAVE ECO - Benchmark for Reduction of Anchoring Vessels’ Emissions - Enabling Change of Operation

This feasibility study aims to evaluate the possibilities to reduce air emissions from ships anchored in port areas and, then especially the Port of Gothenburg.

For this purpose, the study uses two main approaches. Firstly, it analyses the reasons and legal/business aspects for anchoring. Secondly, this study develops a reproducible calculation model for anchored vessels' CO2 emissions.

Regulation of anchoring sites are not entirely clear since international regulation partly applies, also it is not clear who is responsible for the anchoring sites. This implies that the port´s scope of action is limited mainly to the ships that are calling the port.

However, also emission from other ships at in the port area has been evaluated in this study to get a broader perspective.