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  3. Definition of optimal supply chains for reuse of building components derived from C&DW in the EU

Definition of optimal supply chains for reuse of building components derived from C&DW in the EU

In this context, a study was conducted within the IRCOW-project related to reuse. Reuse is defined in directive 2008/98/EC article 3 §13 as any operation by which products or components that are not waste are used again for the same purpose for which they were conceived.


Construction and demolition waste (C&DW) is one of the largest waste streams in the EU. A large proportion of C&DW has the potential to be reused or recycled within the construction sector thus contribution to saving natural resources and energy. The Directive 2008/98/EC on Waste, states that by 2020 the material recovery of non-hazardous C&DW shall be increased to a minimum of 70% by weight. To reach this aim, innovative reuse and recycling strategies are needed.

In this context, a study was conducted within the IRCOW-project related to reuse. Reuse is defined in directive 2008/98/EC article 3 §13 as any operation by which products or components that are not waste are used again for the same purpose for which they were conceived. The study about C&D materials’ (C&DM1) reuse was conducted using interviews and workshop sessions with stakeholders involved in the construction and waste management process (including designers, construction companies, demolition enterprises, waste management companies, reuse agents and authorities), and included six European countries; Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Italy and Spain. The following main results have been achieved:

Description of current reuse practices in the participating countries. Identification of critical reuse barriers and opportunities. Formulation of optimal scenarios to promote reuse in EU. Proposal of key development needs to facilitate reuse activities in EU. Outline of policy recommendations to promote reuse in EU

The innovation of the study lies in the involvement of all actors related to the reuse supply chain, thoughout the methodology applied. The perception of the current situation, concerns and requests of the different stakeholders led to the definition of the the optimal scenarios, considering all agents’ points of view and focusing on the synergies.