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  3. Comparisons of the Copenhagen Pledges - Analyses for Climate Change Professionals

Comparisons of the Copenhagen Pledges - Analyses for Climate Change Professionals

This synthesis report summarizes the results from the project "Comparing National Initiatives in an International Fragmented Climate Regime" (CompNat) that was carried out 2010–2012. The project aimed to analyze and compare the non-binding national pledges for climate change mitigation up until 2020, submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a response to the Copenhagen Accord. The report aims to provide an overview of the research within the project. The target group is climate change professionals who already have basic knowledge about the "Copenhagen pledges", including negotiators, policymakers, industry representatives and researchers. The report can be read from the beginning to the end, or be used for quicker look-ups. Several project results have also been reported separately in other forum, including scientific journals, reports and seminars. However, some recent and more demarcated analyses are presented here for the first time. The project was funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.