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  3. Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation - Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden

Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation - Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden

This study was performed with the ambition to clarify some of the findings from the previous project and also to address the possible hurdles and possibilities that exists for the implementation of an industrial BEJF production facility at the Lugnvik site in Östersund, Sweden. Also, the development of a roadmap for implementation of the concept is included in this study. The study reports on the establishment of international consortia for both continued research and the realization of the full-scale facility. Hence, two parallel paths are described (research and full-scale) and a roadmap depicting possible ways forward for those paths during the upcoming 5 years is presented. One important conclusion is that funding should be sourced separate for the two paths to prevent the implementation of the full-scale plant being dependent on research funding. However, the research path has great potential to provide valuable, knowledge also for the full-scale case. As a general next step, it is proposed that the roadmap developed within this project is followed for the upcoming five years. As a more specific next step, a follow up detailed pre-study is proposed that would enhance the possibility to go deeper into the concept.