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  3. [2016-05-24] Industry and transport – greatest challenges for carbon neutral Nordic countries
Pressrelease | 2016-05-24

Industry and transport – greatest challenges for carbon neutral Nordic countries

In the end of May a Nordic edition of the renowned International Energy Agency (IEA) global publication Energy Technology Perspectives was launched. The report shows that the Nordic countries can achieve a carbon-neutral region by 2050 by cooperating – but it requires that politicians take the challenges that the industries are facing seriously and increase the tempo within the area of transport.

– The really large challenges are within the industrial and transport sectors, where energy is used. So far, the Nordic countries have primarily focused on a clean energy supply, and this is a success which now must be replicated in other sectors. We are so dependent on our energy-intensive primary industries and therefore we now need to focus on innovation and technology, says Markus Wråke, energy expert at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the project manager for the Nordic Energy Technology Perspective 2016.

Two illutrations from the report: The left illustrates the huge challenge that is facing transport: passenger transport is expected to almost double by 2050, while emissions are to be reduced by 80%.The right shows the net export of electricity from the Nordic countries and the expected dramatic increase in demand for (clean) Nordic electricity when the rest of Europe will start to reduce emissions. This will create new revenues for Sweden, but is also a potential problem as the primary industry will then receive higher electricity prices.