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Press releases and news

Here you will find our press releases and news

  • | news
    New report: Clear potential for hydrogen and electrofuels in Sweden
    Sweden has relatively good supplies of the resources needed to produce both hydrogen and electrofuels. If the investments now being made in hydrogen materialize and the trend continues, Sweden could, long term, become a net exporter of hydrogen. However, so far, development has been slowed by a lack of policy instruments for hydrogen and regulations for how it can be managed.
  • | pressrelease
    How design can help increase plastics recycling
    How can we increase the recycling of plastic products? Plastic is often used unnecessarily or in combinations that make recycling difficult. Researchers at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute have identified seven measures that can be implemented at the design stage to increase recycling.
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    SWIC research centre opened
    Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre, SWIC, is a unique facility that develops technologies to make use of resources in wastewater. It has now moved to Loudden in Stockholm and has been officially inaugurated.
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    SEK 70 million for continued research on sustainable and green chemistry
    The Mistra SafeChem research programme, led by IVL, aims to establish a safe, sustainable and green chemical industry in Sweden. The funding body Mistra has decided to support the research with up to SEK 70 million, which means the programme can continue its work for another four years.
  • | pressrelease
    The environment is the main driver for second-hand shopping
    Consumers buy second-hand goods primarily for the sake of the environment, followed by the economy. This is the result of a study conducted by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute in cooperation with several second-hand shops and reuse operators.