How do we increase the reuse of construction and demolition waste from households?
The Resource Bank project: Increasing the reuse of construction and demolition waste from households, focuses on key factors in increasing the reuse of building materials.
The project wants to promote increased reuse of construction and demolition materials. The focus is on materials that are available at recycling centers and that mainly come from households' renovation work. Property owners who make renovations are not included in the project.
The purpose is to facilitate a more efficient flow of knowledge between different actors in the value chain in order to reduce waste and increase reuse.
A feasibility study will develop a framework with important aspects and information required from both suppliers and users of recycled materials. IVL is investigating whether a database needs to be established or whether existing databases can be adapted to support a more efficient supply and demand for construction and demolition products for reuse.
Survey of construction contractors
As part of the project, they are now conducting a survey with construction contractors who are renovating, for example, kitchens, bathrooms and the outdoor environment for private individuals. The purpose is to obtain information on what is needed to facilitate the reuse of building materials and what obstacles exist today.
Project facts
- Increase reuse of construction and demolition waste from households
- Budget: A total of SEK 500,000, of which IVL's part is SEK 384,000
- Financier: Vinnova, together with project participants Sveriges Byggindustrier, Stockholm Vatten och Avfall, Renova and HMXW arkitekter
- Partners: Sveriges Byggindustrier, Stockholm Vatten och Avfall, Renova och HMXW arkitekter
- Period: 2019 - 2022