SCAC - Swedish Clean Air & Climate Research Program
The aim of Scac is to develop and improve the scientific basis for air pollution policies on national and international scales including relations to climate policy and the focus of the program is Hemispherical transport of air pollution and action strategies in Europe.
The research program Scac is a sequel to the IVL-led research program Scarp - Swedish Clean Air Research Program which ended in early 2013.
The research during phase 1 was focused on exposure and health effects, effects on ecosystems and climate effects from so-called short-lived climate-affecting air pollutants (SLCP) as well as synergies and conflicts between air pollution and climate measures. Special emphasis is placed on developing robust systems and processes for emission forecasts and scenarios, as well as on developing indicators, methods and models for evaluating and assessing the cost-effectiveness of various action alternatives.
The focus for Phase 2 is Hemispheric transport of air pollutants and action strategies in Europe. The overall objective from phase 1 remains, ie to develop and improve the scientific basis for policies on air pollution on a national and international scale, including links to climate policy.
In addition to researchers from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, teams from the University of Gothenburg, Lund University, Stockholm University, Umeå University, Karolinska Institute, the City of Stockholm, SMHI and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) are active partners. The total budget for the programs phase 1 was SEK 25 million and 12 million for phase 2.
Phase 1: 2013-2016
Phase 2: 2017-2020
Project facts
- SCAC - Swedish Clean Air & Climate Research Program
- Budget: 25 MSEK for phase 1, 12 MSEK for phase 2
- Partners: 9
- Period: 2013 - 2020