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  2. About IVL
  3. Research and Development
  4. The societal benefits of research
Porträtt på Rupali Deshmukh

The societal benefits of research

Research in sustainability is a driving force for positive societal change. At IVL, we bring science to reality, and include the global goals in all our operations.

For the world to succeed in achieving the 17 goals, we need research, knowledge and innovation, as well as new solutions locally, nationally and globally. These solutions require collaboration between different actors, both nationally and internationally. Sweden is at the forefront of sustainability work and is well positioned to take a global leadership role regarding research and innovation that contribute to the global goals.

IVL works with all dimensions of sustainability, and has projects and tools that contribute to increased social, economic and ecological sustainability. We share knowledge and develop solutions aimed at enhancing sustainability, together with our clients and partners. IVL's work is characterized by a holistic view and a life cycle perspective. Our ambition is to identify synergies and conflicting objectives, and to propose measures and solutions that contribute to Agenda 2030.

Why are the global goals important?

There are many reasons to work towards sustainable development. Sweden has set environmental goals to be achieved by 2030, and more legal requirements are expected in the future. At IVL, we want to contribute by:

  • creating strong research collaborations and research projects that contribute to the ongoing transition to a climate-neutral and sustainable society.
  • analyzing and evaluating our operations towards the global goals and other societal goals.
  • using the knowledge that is collected by research in new projects and assignments to increase utilization.

A selection of research that contributes to the global goals

The global goals and IVL

IVL's business are focused on research and development within the following global goals:

IVL contributes to:

  • sustainable food production systems where ecosystems are maintained, strengthening the ability to adapt to climate change and gradually improving soil quality
Global goals zero hunger

IVL contributes to:

  • reducing the number of deaths and illnesses due to harmful chemicals, pollution and contamination of air, water and soil
  • strengthening capacity as regards early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
Global goals good health and well being

IVL contributes to:

  • achieving universal and equitable access to safe drinking water and sanitation by developing and implementing technologies for water collection, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reusage
Global goals clean water and sanitation

IVL contributes to:

  • ensuring universal access to a much larger share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, and access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services
  • more rapidly improving energy efficiency and strengthening international cooperation for research and technology within clean and renewable energy
Global goals affordable and clean energy

IVL contributes by:

  • improving resource efficiency of production and consumption.
  • fostering safe working environments
  • breaking the link between environmental degradation and growth
Global goals decent work and economic growth

IVL contributes to:

  • restoring infrastructure and industries to make them sustainable, with more efficient use of resources as well as environmentally friendly technologies and industrial processes
  • supporting domestic development of technology, along with research and innovation in developing countries
Global goals sustainable industry innovation and infrastructure

IVL contributes to:

  • reducing the cities' negative environmental impact by working with air quality and management of municipal and other waste
  • that cities and communities implement integrated plans for inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and resilience to disaster
  • affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all and an inclusive and sustainable urbanization
Global goals sustainable cities and communities

IVL contributes to:

  • environmentally friendly handling of chemicals throughout their life cycle, and significantly reducing emissions to air, water and soil in order to minimize negative consequences for health and the environment
  • encouraging companies to implement sustainable practices and integrate sustainability into their reporting cycle
  • identifying and eliminating inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption
  • reducing waste through preventive measures, as well as reuse and recycling
responsible consumption and production

IVL contributes to:

  • strengthening resilience to and the ability to adapt to climate-related dangers and natural disasters
  • improving education, awareness, and both human and institutional capacity in terms of early warning, climate adaptation and mitigation of climate change and its consequences
  • integrating action for climate into policies, strategies and planning at a national level
Global goals climate action

IVL contributes to:

  • preventing and reducing pollution in the sea, in particular from land-based activities, including marine litter and nutrient supply
  • strengthening the conservation and sustainable utilization of the oceans and their resources
  • protecting marine and coastal ecosystems in order to achieve healthy and productive seas
Global goals life below water

IVL contributes to:

  • preserving, restoring and sustainably using terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their ecosystem services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and arid areas
  • integrating the values of ecosystems and biodiversity into national and local planning and development as well as into accounting strategies
  • cultivating the forests sustainably, stopping deforestation, restoring impoverished forests, reducing the destruction of natural habitats and halting the loss of biodiversity
Global goals life on land

IVL contributes to:

  • development, transfer and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies to developing countries
  • strengthening the global partnership for sustainable development, and complementing it with a new one that exchanges knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources to help achieve the sustainable development goals; especially in developing countries
Global goals partnerships for the goals
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