Clean the Arctic from soot
How should the EU, other countries and actors work together to reduce emissions of soot and other air pollutants in the Arctic? Previous research has shown that emissions of air pollutants such as soot and sulfur affect the climate in the Arctic and can contribute to both heating and cooling. Soot contributes to heating through local emissions and through transport from nearby areas to the Arctic.
Climate change in the Arctic is accelerating more than in other parts of the world and can lead to significant changes in ecosystems and human living conditions. An important step in the process to reduce climate change in the Arctic is to create collaborations between the countries that are part of the Arctic area as well as companies and local actors.
Collaboration is required to reduce emissions and the effects of soot
- Emissions of climate-affecting air pollutants can intensify, or limit heating and have a negative effect on human health.
- Collaboration between international, national and local actors is required to limit emissions and negative effects.
- Soot is one of the most damaging air pollutants that contributes to heating in the Arctic.
Previous research has shown that engagement in reducing soot emissions could slow down heating in the Arctic by 0.2 degrees by 2050. In other words, there are great gains to be made from coordinated measures in the work with climate and air conservation.
Purpose and objective
- Contribute to the development of joint measures to reduce soot emissions affecting the Arctic.
- Drafting opportunities for enhanced international cooperation to protect the Arctic environment and present this to relevant target groups such as the Arctic States, the Arctic Council, local organizations and the EU.
Implementation / actualization 2018-2021
- Improved knowledge for actions
- Technical documentation of foundation and analyzes of scenario
- Increased understanding and distribution of knowledge
Main results
- Identification of local, national and international actors that are affected by, or may affect, emissions and effects of soot in the Arctic.
- Improved knowledge for actions needed, technical documentation of foundation and increased understanding and distribution of knowledge.
- Identify and give proposals for the development of political and economic instruments to reduce soot emissions and effects in the Arctic.