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PFAS simulator

IVL's PFAS simulator calculates future concentrations of PFAS in different matrices. By utilising chemical equilibrium constants, we give you insight into how these hazardous substances migrate and accumulate.

The PFAS simulator is an advanced service that helps companies understand and predict the migration and accumulation of PFAS. By utilising comprehensive simulations, IVL can offer predictions of PFAS concentrations in soil, water, groundwater, and living organisms. This insight enables informed decisions on environmental risk management and helps companies to fulfil relevant legal requirements.

We help you with:

  • Detailed simulations to simulate future concentrations of PFAS in different matrices, such as soil and water.
  • Expert analysis and interpretation of the simulation results to create a clearer picture of the migration pathways and potential impacts of PFAS substances.
  • Risk assessments based on the simulations that provide a basis for effectively planning and managing contaminated sites.

This is how he PFAS simulator works:

Modell för PFAS-simularing

Basic structure of the PFAS model. The model predicts how PFAS concentrations in different matrices evolve over 25 years using equilibrium constants and site-specific soil and groundwater conditions.

PFAS 4 in soil in the contaminated area:

Modell för PFAS-simularing

Simulation of concentrations in soil within the contaminated area. Leaching rates depend, among other things, on the volatility, degradation rate, soil mobility and groundwater recharge of the substances studied.

PFAS4 in groundwater in the contaminated area:

Modell för PFAS-simularing

Simulation of groundwater concentrations within the contaminated area. Contaminants are injected into the groundwater from the contaminated soil and transported downstream in the direction of groundwater flow; the hydraulic capacity and gradient of the aquifer control the leaching rate. Additional upstream sources can also be added to the model.

PFAS4 in well or protected groundwater:

Modell för PFAS-simularing

Simulation of concentrations in well or protected groundwater downstream of the contaminated area. The evolution over time depends on the hydraulic capacity and gradient of the aquifer, and the distance to the source of contamination.

PFAS4 in surface waters:

Modell för PFAS-simularing

Simulation of concentrations in surface water bodies downstream of the contaminated site. It is assumed here that the groundwater formed within the contaminated area eventually reaches a surface water receiving body. Resulting concentrations in the surface water receiving body depend on its volume, turnover time, possible additional loading, etc.

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