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Urban greenery – The key to sustainable urban development

At IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, we conduct extensive research and innovation to develop and implement nature-based green solutions that contribute to creating attractive and healthy cities.

Urban greenery is essential for sustainable urban development. Through the thoughtful integration of green spaces in cities, we can improve air quality, mitigate heat stress, reduce flood risks, and enhance biodiversity.

We work extensively in the field of urban greening with, for example, evaluation of ecosystem services, impact on air quality, climate adaptation, urban cultivation, biodiversity and noise reduction. We participate in research projects focusing on urban greening and also offer services where we can evaluate and analyze the environmental benefits of blue-green solutions, as well as investigate which measures are appropriate in different situations. We also help companies set science-based climate and environmental targets.

A selection of our work in urban greenery

3 floor appartment bulding white walls and a blue skye.

3-30-300 More Than Trees

In the Formas project 3-30-300+ More than Trees, we are developing and visualizing how trees can be complemented by various types of small-scale greenery in different urban environments, as well as evaluating the expected benefits. The goal is to develop new and deeper knowledge and solutions for integrating greenery into urban planning practices

Rainy branches of fir and pinetree in city.

Urban greenery for clean air

To understand how vegetation impacts air quality, we need to understand how various obstacles, such as buildings or trees, influence airflow. At the same time, we need more information on the vegetation's ability to absorb pollutants, as different species have varying capacities to purify the air.

Exempel på klimatanpassning med blågröna lösningar i bostadsområdet Augustenborg i Malmö. Fastigheter som tidigare ofta drabbades av översvämningar från ett överfyllt avloppssystem har förnyats med dräneringssystem inklusive vattenkanaler och fördröjningsdammar som leder bort regnvatten.

Policy lab for climate adaptation contracts

Adaptation Together is an applied research project on climate adaptation measures in existing urban areas, led by IVL. The project designs and tests a collaborative model with local contracts aimed at ensuring the implementation of nature-based climate adaptation measures in Malmö.

Our services in the field of urban greenary

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Research in the field of urban greenery

IVL are actively engaged in the field of urban greening

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Contact IVL's urban greening experts

Jenny Linden

Expert in air pollution

Porträtt av Hugo Settergren

Hugo Settergren

Expert and Landscape architect LAR/MSA

Porträtt på Tanja Hasselmark Mason

Tanja Hasselmark Mason

Project manager climate adaptation