About the programme
Mistra SafeChem is a research programme that aims to create a sustainable chemical industry and reduce exposure to hazardous substances. It is financed by Mistra, The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, was granted in 2019 and runs from 2020 to 2024.
The vision and overarching aim of the Mistra SafeChem programme will be fulfilled by a broad research programme focusing on the development of tools, processes and methods with the specific objectives to:
- Develop, test and evaluate innovative industrial production processes for non-hazardous molecules involving enzyme catalysis, and minimal waste processes.
- Develop and apply a robust framework for early prediction and verification of hazardous properties of new molecules or materials using in-silico predictive models, in-vitro tools and advanced chemical/biological analytical methods.
- Develop and apply improved methods for life cycle assessment incorporating hazardous properties of molecules and materials and risks for exposure along the full value chain.
- Conduct a series of case studies where specific design, production and recycling processes, in different levels of the value chain and representing a range of applications, will be evaluated.
- Develop a vision and agenda for expansion and implementation of the Mistra SafeChem concepts into Swedish chemical industry.
- Initiate the establishment of a permanent platform for Green Chemistry Sweden – where research, innovations and collaborative efforts on safe and sustainable chemical industry can be further developed involving industry, authorities, academia and institutes.
Work packages in Mistra SafeChem
2024-09-09 | newsCase study uses Proscale to compare toxicity of two polyamides
2024-06-28 | newsImpressive achievements of Mistra SafeChem in phase 1
2024-06-19 | newsNew report: Crystal Engineering for Water Treatment
2024-05-17 | newsSee the full agenda for our final webinar
2024-05-15 | newsThe Mistra SafeChem in silico toolbox presented at the SETAC conference