Sweden offers reduced tariffs for cleaner ships
Updated Clean Shipping Index scoring system used to differentiate Swedish fairway dues.
Clean Shipping Index has introduced an updated scoring system to measure the environmental performance of ships and shipping companies. Taking into account a wide range of environmental parameters, the revised methodology includes data regarding carbon dioxide, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, on-board use of chemicals as well as treatment of water and waste. Vessels of all types are rated in a scale from one to five stars, depending on the total score obtained.
This updated scoring system is an important step forward
, comments Clean Shipping Index director Merijn Hougee. The scoring criteria include a comprehensive range of factors, the full operational impact of ships is addressed.
The Swedish Maritime Administrations new fee structure, which is expected to be implemented on the first of January 2018, will be environmentally differentiated based on a vessels CSI score.
The fee structure is subject to notification by the European Commission hence any new code of statues or price list will be sent out after the Swedish Maritime Administration have more information about the notification
, says Sven Carlsson, Chief Strategy Officer at the Swedish Maritime Administration.
The higher a vessel scores, the greater reduction of fairway dues
, explains Mr Hougee. For example, a vessel with 125 or more verified CSI points will pay 10 percent of the normal fairway dues. Vessels scoring lower will receive less reduction in fairway dues. This is one of the key ambitions of Clean Shipping Index – to achieve long-term environmental progress in the shipping industry. This means that that environmentally leading ship owners will gain economic advantages over their less environmentally friendly competitors.
The new Clean Shipping Index vessel scoring system is part of the revised ‘Methodology and Reporting Guidelines’ document that can be found under the download section on the Clean Shipping Index website.
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