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FOCUSE – Food production and provisioning through Circular Urban Systems in European cities

FOCUSE is an EU-DUT funded project that slots into the Circular Urban Economies Transitions Pathway (CUE) topic. Research themes revolve around city region food systems, and exploring their sustainability, levels of resilience, and scalability. The project encompasses a diverse consortium of partners ranging from Italy, Sweden, Poland, and Spain. Therefore, bringing together academic institutions, research organisations, and local stakeholders.

Odling av pokchoi inomhus med växtbelysning.

Read more about the project and the project partners

By developing, and analysing innovative approaches to stimulate more circular-based food production, the FOCUSE project contributes to enhancing knowledge surrounding food provisioning and sustainability in European cities.

Salladsodling inomhus.

Follow the experiments at the project's test sites

FOCUSE, will conduct experiments, which will be performed in small-scale vertical farms. We are very excited to showcase our work at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and through the collaboration with Urban Deli.

Journalister samlade under en presskonferens med anteckningsblock och mikrofoner,

Read the latest news and updates from FOCUSE

You will find news, project events, publications and other updates throughout the project period.

Project facts

Project name: FOCUSE - Food production and provisioning through Circular Urban Systems in European cities.
Ongoing: 2024 - 2026
Budget: 1 096 456 Euro
Funding: The Horizon Europe (EU) through the programme Driving Urban Transition, and the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, Formas.
Project Leader: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Project Partners: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, University of Bologna, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Business Region, Nara, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw Miasto municipality and the municipality of Skellefteå.

Odling av grönsaker inomhus.


The FOCUSE project is funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe research initiative, via the EU partnership programme Driving Urban Transitions (DUT). Also funding the project is the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS).

EU-emblem "Co-funded by the European Union".
Logotyp för EU-organet Drivin Urban Transitions.

Project Partners

Logotyp ivl
Logotyp för universitetet i Wroclaw.
Logotyp för Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, institutionen för miljö och teknologo.
Logotyp för Nära.
Logotyp för Universitetet i Bologna, institutionen för livsmedels- och jordbruksvetenskap.
Logotypen för Skellefteå kommun, på engelska.
Logotyp för Stockholms stad.
Logotyp för Miasto Wroclaw, Wroclaw kommun, Polen.