Location key to how much air pollution children are exposed to
Where and how preschools are located in cities is a key factor in determining how much harmful air pollution the preschool children are exposed to. Even small differences in location within the same area can increase exposure to air pollution by as much as 25 per cent, new research shows.
Air pollution affects health negatively, and children are especially vulnerable as their airways are more sensitive than adults'. This concerns particularly an increased risk of respiratory infections and asthma, as well as impaired lung growth. In Sweden, 4 percent of 1-4 year olds and 7 percent of 5-9 year olds currently live with asthma.
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of Gothenburg, together with the City of Gothenburg, have measured air quality at preschools in Gothenburg. The measurements were taken at 17 locations around eleven preschools over the course of a year.
The results show that the location of preschools has a major impact on the amount of air pollution the children are exposed to. Even small differences in location within the same area can have a considerable effect on air quality. The study found that for each individual child, the health impacts of these differences were relatively low, but at the population level the increased burden of disease is not negligible.
"We saw in the study that a preschool located close to busy roads had up to 25 percent higher concentrations of air pollution compared to a nearby preschool located in a more sheltered part of the city. In some cases, the difference in location can be less than 100 metres and still cause such a large increase in air pollution", says Ågot Watne, researcher in air environment at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
The results of the study show that there is great potential to improve air quality in preschools by carefully considering their location. The greatest potential for improving air quality is in areas with a high risk of elevated pollution levels, i.e. where the need to reduce children's exposure is greatest.
The measurements confirm that traffic is the main source of air pollution in the city's preschool yards. The difference in air quality is also linked to whether there are other houses blocking polluted air from entering the preschool yards.
"Creating better environments for children is possible, but it requires that the location of preschools and schools is more highly prioritized in urban planning. Sensitive activities should, when possible, be located away from traffic and other sources of air pollution. In areas with elevated pollution levels, sensitive activities can be located in protected outdoor settings, to minimize the amount of air pollution the children are exposed to", says Watne.
Read the report: Location, location, location–a study of factors affecting air quality in Swedish preschool yards External link, opens in new window.
For more information, contact:
Ågot Watne, agot.watne@ivl.se, tel. +46 (0)10-788 66 10
More information is also available in a guide to improving the air and sound environment in pre-school yards External link. (in Swedish), produced by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, the University of Gothenburg and the City of Gothenburg.