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  3. Treatment of Dioxin Contaminated Soils Literature Review and Remediation Method Development

Treatment of Dioxin Contaminated Soils Literature Review and Remediation Method Development

Dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans, often referred to as dioxins, are among the most toxic substances that humans emit into our environment today, with its carcinogenic effects in humans and animals. Common sources of dioxins are; incomplete combustion, earlier use of chlorine bleaching process in paper industry and the wood impregnating industry where dioxins and furans are found as contaminant in the chlorophenols used in the process. Since the dioxins are very hydrophobic they will be bound to particles in different forms, but mainly to the soil organic fraction. Transport of dioxins from soil to a nearby water recipient will largely depend on transport of the particle that the dioxins are sorbed to. This report includes a literature review of documented soil remediation techniques tested for dioxins. It is noted that more options are desirable if remediation of dioxin-contaminated sites shall be carried out in any larger scale in Sweden. Options that means a more effective reduction of the contaminant, but also a smaller environmental footprint for the process itself.