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  3. The potential to use QSAR to populate ecotoxicity characterisation factors for simplified LCIA and chemical prioritisation , Int J Life Cycle Assess. t

The potential to use QSAR to populate ecotoxicity characterisation factors for simplified LCIA and chemical prioritisation , Int J Life Cycle Assess. t

The use of QSAR estimated data as basis for calculation of characterisation factors, and the further use of thosefactors for ranking based on ecotoxicity potential, was assessed as a feasible way to gather substance data for large datasets.However, further research and development of the guidance on how to make use of estimated data is needed to achieveimprovement of the accuracy of the results (PDF) The potential to use QSAR to populate ecotoxicity characterisation factors for simplified LCIA and chemical prioritisation. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324503117_The_potential_to_use_QSAR_to_populate_ecotoxicity_characterisation_factors_for_simplified_LCIA_and_chemical_prioritisation [accessed Jan 29 2019].