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  3. The Energy Report for Uganda - A 100% Renewable Energy future by 2050

The Energy Report for Uganda - A 100% Renewable Energy future by 2050

This is the first WWF energy report produce for a subsaharan African (SSA) country. The report has three parts.


Uganda is endowed with abundant renewable energy potential from sources such as biomass, water, wind and the sun. However, this potential has not been fully utilized resulting in a situation where 15 percent of the population has access to electricity, while the majority (over 90%) depend on unsustainably used biomass and use rudimentary technologies to meet their energy needs. It is clear, that the provision of sustainable energy solutions in Uganda is crucial for alleviating poverty, strengthening the country’s economy and protecting the environment. Indeed, the Government of Uganda is committed to securing a stable energy supply for long-term social and economic development of the country.

This is emphasised in the Constitution of Uganda (1995) and the Energy Policy (2002), whose goal is “To meet the energy needs of Uganda’s population for social and economic development in an environmentally sustainable manner.” Therefore, the purpose of this report is to highlight to all Ugandans, that a renewable energy future is not only possible, but perhaps the most appropriate path to take towards the transformation of Uganda’s energy sector. The report also shows that the transition to 100% renewable is cost effective, affordable and sustainable. It is also important to note that, though this transition towards renewable energy may come with some challenges, it is my hope that this report offers inspiration to government, businesses, and other stakeholders to look towards overcoming these challenges and move boldly towards a renewable energy future.