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  3. Sharing Communities - Final report 2021

Sharing Communities - Final report 2021

In Sweden, many people are used to sharing historically, having open access to large public spaces and the right of public access, as well as functions such as care, sports halls, laundries and waste management, mobility such as public transport and products, such as in libraries, parks, and leisure centers. Sharing stuff, transport, spaces, time and knowledge has the potential to contribute to a number of sustainability gains, both ecological, social and economic.

Based on identified success factors and pitfalls, we describe what to consider when it comes to collaboration with residents, collaboration with actors, collaboration internally and collaboration with the district within sharing. A guide has been developed for Stockholmshem primarily for area managers, customer service and central support functions within the housing company for collaborative dialogues about sharing, but which is open to other housing companies to use. The guide provides seven steps to increase the opportunities for sharing between residents and businesses in residential areas:

1.  Make an inventory

2.  Set sustainability goals

3.  Create dialogue

4.  Design and develop

5.  Support engagement and growth

6.  Develop support systems

7.  Support independence and further development

The project has been led by IVL Swedish Environmental Institute in collaboration with Stockholmshem, IIIEE Lund University and ÅWL Architects. It has been implemented as a strategic project within Sharing Cities Sweden, part of the strategic innovation program Viable Cities for smart and sustainable cities, which is supported in a joint initiative by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas.