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  3. SETAC LCA advisory groups silver jubilee: get involved and contribute to the next stage of LCA

SETAC LCA advisory groups silver jubilee: get involved and contribute to the next stage of LCA

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) has been the cradle of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This year marks an important anniversary for the LCA community: the 25th jubilee of SETAC LCA thematic groups of Europe and North America. In 1991 the North American Advisory Group was formally recognized as a group within the SETAC. In August 1991 a SETAC Pellston Workshop® in Smuggler's Notch, USA, formalized the structure of a product LCA. LCA was born. The same year the first meeting of a regional LCA thematic group in Europe took place, the 'SETAC Europe Task Group on Life Cycle Analysis'. This European group, in those early days overlapping with the Steering Committee, organized a first SETAC Europe LCA workshop in Leiden (the Netherlands) on the 2nd and 3rd of December 1991.

Today LCA is a mature and multidisciplinary tool and the LCA community has become much wider and more diverse compared to those early days. Therefore, not all LCA practitioners may know about the SETAC LCA AGs, their contribution to the development of LCA and the opportunities to get involved. The objective of this editorial is therefore twofold. First, in occasion of their silver jubilee, it intends to credit the work of the SETAC LCA groups and acknowledge their major achievements. Secondly, it intends to give forward momentum to the European Advisory Group (EU AG) activities, illustrating their functions and opportunities for participations.