Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2008. Subreport 1. Biocides: 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate (IPBC) and 2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA)
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has performed a 'Screening Study' of IPBC and DBNPA as an assignment from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. IPBC belongs to the category preservatives/disinfectants and is used as a fungicide. It is used in the paper and pulp industry to prevent the formation of slime and as a preservative in cosmetics, paints, coatings etc. DBNPA is mostly used to reduce the occurrence of slime forming microorganisms with in the paper and cellulose industry. It is also used a biocide in cooling systems. IPBC is moderately soluble and not very persistent in water, hydrolysis is expected to be main route of dissipation. DBNPA has high water solubility, a short half-life and is rapidly degraded in water by hydrolysis. The overall objectives of the study were to determine the concentrations of IPBC and DBNPA in the Swedish environment. A sampling strategy was developed and the selection was based on the usage pattern of the substances. IPBC was found in air at two paint companies representing point sources and in the centre of Gothenburg, representing an urban diffuse source. In water, IPBC was found in high levels in the influent water at two paint companies and in both the in- and effluent water from three STPs. It was not found in background areas or in urban surface water, storm water and sediment, STP sludge or storm water sludge. The results indicate that if IPBC is being used, there is a possibility for the compound to be distributed to the environment since in can be detected in air and influent and effluent water from the paint industries and in STP waters. However, IPBC does not seem to reach other urban or background areas which may be due to the fact that IPBC is not very persistent in water. DBNPA was found below LOD in all samples.