Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2004. Subreport 4: Siloxanes
As an assignment from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, IVL has performed a screening study of siloxanes. The substances included were three cyclic polydimethylsiloxanes (D4, D5, and D6) and four linear analogues (MM, MDM, MD2M and MD3M). The overall objectives of the screening were to determine concentrations in a variety of media in the Swedish environment, to highlight important transport pathways, and to assess the possibility of current emissions in Sweden. A total of 138 samples of air, water, sludge, sediment and fish were analysed. D4 that is classified as a phase out substance was found in 37 out of 54 municipal sludge samples in concentrations from 130 to 2 300 ng/g DW and in various air samples in concentrations up to 300 ng/m3. D4 was not found in any of the water, sediment or fish samples. MM, which is on the OSPAR candidate list for dangerous substances, was found in leachate water from landfills and in low concentrations in air in the Stenungsund chemical industrial area. D5 was the dominating siloxane in most samples. It was found in all sludge samples from municipal treatment plants. The average concentration was 11 000 ng/g DW. Siloxanes were not found in aquatic biota (fish muscle).One or more of D4, D5 and D6 were found in 11 out of 49 samples of human breast milk. The maximum concentration of D4 was 10 µg/L, of D5 4.5 µg/L and of D6 4.8 µg/L.