Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2004. Subreport 2: Octachlorostyrene, Monochlorostyrenes and b-Bromostyrene

Measurements were performed of octachlorostyrene, monochlorostyrenes and b-bromostyrene in 134 air, deposition, water, sludge, sediment and fish samples near source areas and at background locations. Only octachlorostyrene was detected and only in air from background locations and fish. The results indicate that long-range transport occurs, and that OCS is a generally occurring pollutant in the Baltic Sea. Elevated levels were found in fish from two potential point sources, indicating current emissions of the substance to the water compartment. Diffuse emissions of octachlorostyrene seem to be limited. Biota is suggested as a more suitable matrix for detecting OCS pollution than other matrices. Further measurements in biota and air are recommended in order to provide information on OCS levels in fish and trends related to long-range transport. However, these measurements in air require use of high-volume samplers.

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