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  3. Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2004. Subreport 1: Adipates

Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2004. Subreport 1: Adipates

Measurements were performed of 7 adipates in 128 air, water, sludge, sediment and fish samples near source areas and at background locations. Human breast milk samples were also analysed. Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) was found in sludge, sediment, fish and in one water sample. Di-iso-butyl and di-decyl adipate were detected in a few samples of sediment and sludge. Two potential point sources were identified; Stenungsund industrial area and Gislaved plastics/rubber production plant, which showed elevated levels in sediments, sludge and/or fish. Current diffuse emissions via municipal sewage treatment plants are likely, but the factors governing the occurrence of DEHA in sludge are unclear. Sediment and biota data indicate DEHA presence in the dissolved phase of surface water, however, it was not detected in any surface water samples. The absence in air confirms that adipates have no potential for long-range atmospheric transport. Although adipates are not very persistent, the high usage and observed occurrence in sediments and fish indicate that they may locally reach high levels. Considering that there are no restrictions of their usage, the environmental releases of adipates are not expected to cease in the near future.