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  3. Reduce environmental impacts of pharmaceuticals along the value chain - Needs, requirements and use of product-specific environmental information by different actors and for different applications

Reduce environmental impacts of pharmaceuticals along the value chain - Needs, requirements and use of product-specific environmental information by different actors and for different applications

The aim of this study has been to define and evaluate needs, requirements and use of product-specific environmental information by different actors along the pharmaceutical value chain. A mapping has been performed of the actors´ roles and responsibilities in the work to reduce environmental impacts. Challenges, drivers and opportunities have been identified, both in general and in different applications for the information. The project has been performed in cooperation with The Research-Based Pharmaceutical Industry (LIF).


In order to reduce the environmental impacts of pharmaceuticals, reliable, comparable and relevant information is needed about the impacts along the value chain. The objective of this project is to define and evaluate needs, requirements and use of product-specific environmental information by different actors. The evaluation has focused on five main application areas for the information: Assessments in conjunction with product approval, Product and process improvements, Benefit subsidy system, Procurement of pharmaceuticals, and Guidance in product choice and use.

Based on these application areas, the study has mapped roles and responsibilities of different actors in the work to reduce environmental impacts along the pharmaceutical value chain: Authorities, Regions, Pharmacies and Pharmaceutical companies and supply chains. A review of the policy framework has also been performed. Challenges, drivers and opportunities have been identified – both on a general level and on application level.

Based on the results, key elements for further development and proposed way forward have been defined. This includes shared goals, requirements and standards between the actors, integrating further development of the model with development of its applications, as well as creating market incentives. A “timeline” for further development and implementation is proposed, as well as recommendations for next steps.