Ozone Effects on Vegetation in Europe. Report from the Workshop held on the 18-20 April 1979 at The Swedish Water and Air Pollution Research Insitute, Gothenburg, Sweden
A meeting of scientists from different European Countries was held at IVL to discuss the problems concering effects fo ozone on vegetation. Primarly the workshop was intended to review the present state of biological research related to ozone in Europe. It was aslo aimed at enchancing cross-national and inter-disciplinary (chemist-biologists) contacts between researchers in the field and to open up possibilities of co-ordinating research and monitoring programmes. After the presentation of papers and working group discussion the meeting conclued that greater European co-operation in this field was necessary and agreed to begin with a standardisation of methods used for the cultivation of tobacco as indicator plants, in parallel with current atmospheric chemical monitoring programme. As ozone levels can be expected to rise considerably in the near future, intensified reserach and field observation of effects of ozone on cultivated and natural vegetation is imperative