Open Space workshop on sustainability indicators for buildings
This report summarizes an Open Space workshop and details its results. The workshop was held as part of the BenchValue project, which is funded through the European ERA-NET framework SUstainable forest management; Multifunctional Forestry, European Forest Policy (Sumforest).
Den här rapporten finns endast på engelska. Svensk sammanfattning finns i rapporten.
This report presents an Open Space workshop aiming to identify and discuss indicators and aspects that are important in a sustainability assessment of bio-based products. The workshop was held towards the end of the WoodRise Congress, a conference on medium and high-rise wood buildings. The 26 workshop participants included a mix of environmental researchers, sustainability consultants, architects, policy makers, etc. They generated ideas for 14 potentially important indicators to include in a sustainability assessment (see table below).
Nine of these were selected for in-depth group discussions with an aim to agree on why the indicator is important, and on what aspects and facts should be considered and accounted for when including the indicator in a sustainability assessment of buildings. At the end of the workshop, each participant was given 6 yes-votes and 2 no-votes to freely distribute among all ideas for sustainability indicators, and all aspects and facts identified in the group discussions.