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  3. Life Cycle Assessment of Gasification-based Fischer-Tropsch Bio Jet Fuel production

Life Cycle Assessment of Gasification-based Fischer-Tropsch Bio Jet Fuel production

Jet-fuels can be produced through alternative pathways in the future. Bioshare AB investigates the possibility to produce renewable jet-fuels through a gasification-based production process of biofuels in an existing combined heat and power plant. The process results in three products; heat, electricity and Fischer Tropsch (FT)-fuel. The latter is assessed in the present study with regards to Global Warming Potential (GWP) excluding biogenic carbon, Eutrophication and Acidification potential through a life cycle perspective. All inflows and outflows from the production process are taken into account, without separating potential environmental impact from each unit operation.

The result from this study showed that based on the defined system boundaries and assumptions, the transports to and from the production facility contribute the most to GWP, followed by biomass production and the electricity consumption. The highest contribution to the result for eutrophication and acidification potential originates from the consumption of scrubber oil for gas purification. However, these results are sensitive for the biofuel used and to some extent also for the assumed load scenario.