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  3. Explore - Exploring the opportunities for advancing vehicle recycling industrialization Summary report

Explore - Exploring the opportunities for advancing vehicle recycling industrialization Summary report

The project's goal was to strengthen Swedish automotive recycling industry’s role in a more circular economy and create close cooperation between manufacturing and recycling industries. Against this background, the project had the following objectives:

• Analyze future vehicle fleet's material content and its implication for recycling system adaptation.

• Adopt and adapt manufacturing planning and control theories and practices to develop a more efficient vehicle dismantling.

• Analyze and propose solutions for more efficient reverse logistics in vehicle recycling.

• Identify political and industrial action that can support the development of Swedish vehicle recycling.

• Identify technical solutions for disassembly, sorting and recycling of future vehicles.

The work was organized in work packages relating to the Future vehicle fleet, Manufacturing planning and control theories and practices, Reverse logistics of challenging materials, Policy options and Future technologies for dismantling, sorting and recycling. This report summarizes the work and lists deliverables from the work packages.