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  3. Elements in the policy landscape for action on black carbon in the Arctic

Elements in the policy landscape for action on black carbon in the Arctic

This report is a part of the EUA-BCA final deliverables series including several reports and digital products in support of policy actions and increasing international cooperation with the target of reducing negative impacts from BC emissions in the Arctic. The present report explores possible policy actions to reduce black carbon emissions across prioritised areas.


The aim of this report is to summarise information about relevant policy actions to reduce black carbon emissions from key polluting sectors, as well as options to better monitor how different initiatives affect black carbon emissions and their environmental and health effects. Several relevant policy areas are identified – In situ observations of black carbon in the Arctic, black carbon emission inventories, Gas flaring, Small-scale domestic heating, Shipping, On-and off-road engines, and Open biomass burning. Within these areas, possible actions are described in detail and presented in terms of their time horizon, societal impact, jurisdictional scope and relevant policy fora. 

 The presented actions can act as a reference list of options for interested policymakers, synthesising existing knowledge about relevant policy actions rather than giving prescriptive recommendations on which of them to implement.

 This report serves as a background document to the EUA-BCA Policy landscape report that informs on possible ways to implement these actions in practice and clarify how enhanced international cooperation would contribute to actions in the key areas.