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  3. EcoWater report - Description of value chains for industrial water use

EcoWater report - Description of value chains for industrial water use

The Deliverable 4.1 presents the results of the first phase of EcoWater Industrial Case Study 5 (Textile Industries in Biella Region in Italy), Case Study 6 (Cogenera-tion of thermal energy and electricity using water from the Rhine Channel in Nether-lands), Case Study 7 (Dairy industry, Denmark) and Case Study 8 (Automotive in-dustry Sweden. The development of all industrial cases followed the same overall methodology for the system mapping; an initial assessment of the system boundary followed by an identification and mapping of the water supply chain with mapping of both the water services and stages and the water uses in the industrial processes and description of existing technologies, value chain mapping and identification of relevant actors. The methodologies developed for system mapping were applicable in the industrial Case Studies and it was possible to deal with challenges related to the system boundary, what was meant by meso-scale in the industrial cases and the complexity of the interaction between the water system and production system can be reduced. So in general the industry cases have identified the industrial sector level as the me-so-scale level. Up to now only the automotive case has set up their system in the SEAT model- while the other cases plan to do this by January 2013 with assistance from NTUA. This may be the time where options for reducing complexity can be further explored and systems streamlined. This report is only available in English.