Chemical and biological monitoring of sewage effluent water
As an assignment from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, IVL has conducted a study with the overall aim to present basic data for decision-making regarding a monitoring program for STP effluents. A program for chemical and biological monitoring in effluent water from municipal sewage treatment plants is important for the understanding on spreading of chemicals in the environment, to identify changes in the use or substitution of chemicals, to identify possible emissions of 'new' emerging substances to the environment, and also for the implementation and follow up of directives. The study consisted of several parts; a chemical characterization of STP effluents consisting of both the analysis of specific compounds but also the identification of 'unknown' compounds, measurements of estrogenic and androgenic activity with the bioassays YES and YAS, evaluation of seasonal variability in chemical composition, and chemical measurements in recipient water. Further, a literature survey of potential additional bioassays suitable for monitoring purposes was conducted. Based on the results a recommendation for a monitoring program for municipal STP effluent is given.