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  3. Basis for Environmental Product Declaration – Smart Development Sweden - Slutrapport av delprojekt inom GrönBostad Stockholm

Basis for Environmental Product Declaration – Smart Development Sweden - Slutrapport av delprojekt inom GrönBostad Stockholm

This subproject has been carried out within the framework of the Grön BoStad Stockholm project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

In this project, a background report has been produced for the product High-performance concrete with reinforcement of basalt fiber developed and manufactured by the company Smart Development Sweden. The basis developed is compulsory to be able to produce an environmental product declaration (EPD) in the International EPD® system. An EPD presents the environmental impact of a product or service for all or part of its life cycle. This report is only a brief summary of the background report for EPD that was produced in the project.

The results of the EPD show that the impact of cement production is significant for the categories presented in the result.