Bacteriological Examination of Fish and Water and Sediment samples from Fresh- and Brackish Water and Marine Localities

Bacteria were isolated from water and sediment samles and from fish from 1 freshwater, 2 brackish water and 2 marine localities. A variety of media were used for isolation and resulted in the the revocery of 383 strains from fresh.and brackis water areas and 208 from marine areas. These were broadly classfied into the major groups of bacteria: the great majority were Gram neative organismns and detailed characterization was carried out for all strains of enteric bacteria and selected groups of vibrios and aerobic sulphide fiormers. Less detailed characterizations of pseudomonads and alteromonads was carried out. In all 17 different taxa were identified although certain problems of determination remain for some marine strains. Due to lack of control samples the role of industrial discharge on the bacterial flora cannot be assessed.

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