About Environmental Spend Analysis
Environmental spend analysis helps organizations calculate the climate impact of their consumption and focus on reducing purchases with the greatest impact. Interest in this method is high among Swedish municipalities, and IVL has mapped initiatives and examined how the method is used in the project “Public Procurement as a Climate Policy Tool.”
What is an Environmental Spend Analysis?
Environmental spend analysis is a method for quantifying the environmental impact of purchases within the public sector. It provides an indication of the environmental impact of purchases and compares the impacts of different procurement categories. The results help prioritize which categories should be targeted in strategic purchasing to reduce environmental impact.
Combining Economic Spend Analysis with Environmental Factors
In environmental spend analysis, purchases are combined with environmental factors. Each purchase is assigned a CPV code, which identifies the type of goods or services. This code is linked to an environmental burden per unit of currency, measured in terms of land area, particle emissions, or climate-impacting gases. The environmental burden is calculated by multiplying the amount spent in SEK by the environmental burden per unit of currency.
This project focuses on climate impact, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents. Each purchase is linked to a climate indicator expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents per currency unit. These indicators are based on life cycle analyses, converting climate impact per mass/volume into climate impact per currency unit.
For more details on environmental spend analysis, visit the Procurement Agency’s website here External link, opens in new window.. The Link is to a Swedish website