Political Initiatives
There is a great deal of ongoing work at the political level to strengthen fossil-free and circular procurement within the public sector. This includes both overarching work conducted by the government itself as well as initiatives the government has launched at various levels.
The Swedish Climate Policy Framework and the Generational Goal
The overarching goal of Swedish environmental policy is based on the so-called Generational Goal, which is to hand over a society to the next generation where the major environmental problems have been solved, without causing increased environmental and health problems outside Sweden's borders. The Generational Goal also includes several clarifications of the goal and what environmental policy should focus on. One clarification that touches on sustainable production and consumption is that "Consumption patterns of goods and services should cause as few environmental and health problems as possible."
The Government's Climate Policy Action Plan
The government emphasizes in its climate policy action plan that public procurement is an effective instrument for promoting healthy competition and the sound use of taxpayers' money, while simultaneously contribute to achieving our climate goals and targets.
The National Procurement Strategy
The national procurement strategy is developed by the Swedish government to improve public procurement. It includes seven strategic targets aimed at elevating public procurement to a strategic level.
Law on Climate Declarations
The construction and real estate sector accounts for a significant portion of society's environmental and climate impact. The government will introduce a requirement for developers to prepare and submit a climate declaration when constructing a new building from January 1, 2022.
Fossil-Free Sweden
Fossil-Free Sweden was launched as a government initiative ahead of the Paris climate summit in 2015 with the goal of making Sweden one of the world's first fossil-free welfare nations.
The Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement
The Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement, established in 2015, is the central body responsible for public procurement support in Sweden. The historical background of the work on environmentally adapted procurement in Sweden ultimately led to the establishment of the National Agency for Public Procurement.
Delegation for a Circular Economy
The Delegation for a Circular Economy is tasked with strengthening the transition to a resource-efficient, circular, and bio-based economy at both the national and regional levels. The delegation is an advisory body to the government and is situated within the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket). The delegation makes and is responsible for its own decisions.
Collaboration Program for Business Climate Transition
Collaboration programs are a method to address societal challenges. Sweden faces significant challenges in a rapidly changing world. Today's challenges are complex and cross-sectoral and require collaboration across traditional sectoral and industry boundaries.