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Suschem Sweden

Welcome to SusChem Sweden. SusChem is a European collaborative network and a European Technology Platform, ETP.

SusChem Sweden organizes meetings, newsletters and have contacts within industry, academia and research institutes. We have a national research agenda with a summary in English and are focusing on sustainable chemistry, climate neutral process technology, circular plastics, and safe by design questions in the program Mistra SafeChem.

We are open for helping research consortia’s who are looking for new partners.

SusChem Sweden is orginazed by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and IKEM, the Swedish federation of chemical, plastic, refinery and life science industry.

Organizations behind the project:

Contact us

Here you will find contact details for the management of SusChem Sweden.

A portrait of a woman

Helena Norin

+46-10 788 65 93

Porträttbild av Lena Svedsen

Lena Svedsen

+46-10 455 38 05

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