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  3. [2024-11-28] Press release about the Stockholm test sites
News | 2024-11-28
Odling på restaurangen Urban Deli i Solna

Press release about the Stockholm test sites

"This collaboration is an exciting step in understanding and developing circular food systems”, says FOCUSE´s project manager, Michael Martin, in a recent article press release from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

The article describes the collaboration between IVL, the Stockholm restaurant Urban Deli, and KTH Food, which is part of the FOCUSE project. Three small-scale farming sites have been set up to test different technologies and methods that can promote sustainable urban farming including how LED lighting can be optimised to save energy and how nutrients and substrates from other urban waste streams can be used.

"We're proud to be able to contribute to this research and to share knowledge about sustainable farming with our visitors. Our vision is to inspire more actors to invest in circular food systems", says Håkan Sjöström, site manager at Urban Deli.

Read the full article here: Innovative urban farming techniques tested in collaboration with restaurant.