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  3. [2017-11-23] Former Minister for the Environment Åsa Romson recruited to IVL
Pressrelease | 2017-11-23

Former Minister for the Environment Åsa Romson recruited to IVL

Åsa Romson, also a renowned environmental lawyer and environmental policy expert, will develop new research and mission projects, primarily focusing on urban challenges and commitments at national and international levels.

– Cities play a key role in the transition to a sustainable society, and for me it is both important and exciting to be able to move on and engage with environmental issues outside party politics, says Åsa Romson. Åsa Romson left the political scene this summer. Until 2016 she was Sweden’s Climate and Environmental Minister and for many years spokesperson for the Swedish Green Party. Since then she has been Chair of the Swedish Parliamentary Committee on EU Affairs and has been tasked with leading an ongoing government task force to review environmental monitoring practices in Sweden. Now she will engage in projects at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, which has a long going commitment to applied research and development, both at national and international levels. Her areas of expertise are environmental legislation and environmental policy. In 2012 she studied environmental jurisprudence at Stockholm University. Her dissertation addressed the jurisdictional scope that international investment law gives to nations to protect the environment and regulate sustainable use of natural resources. – When it comes to sustainable urban development we see a continuing need for the skill set we have at our disposition, and look forward to further strengthening our resources in this area. Åsa’s expertise both as a researcher and in implementing practical municipal policies is highly relevant, and she will play a central role in developing IVL’s environmental vision for sustainable cities and municipalities, says Anna Jarnehammar, Head of Business Development at IVL. In recent years IVL’s activities in connection with sustainable urban development have increased considerably. Today, around 40 people work in the civil engineering sector. We are at the leading edge of research when it comes to chemicals, waste, energy and water, and we are also on track to excellence in social science disciplines such as politics, finance and instruments. For more information, please contact: Anna Jarnehammar, Head of Business Development and Marketing, anna.jarnehammar@ivl.se, +46 (0)730-78 96 53 Tord Svedberg, CEO, tord.svedberg@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 65 94 Sara Malmheden, Press Secretary, sara.malmheden@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 65 10