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  3. [2018-04-28] New database of digital environmental product declarations launched
News | 2018-04-28

New database of digital environmental product declarations launched

IVL's subsidiary EPD International has launched a new database of digital environmental product declarations, known as EPD data. Digitization increases the possibility of using environmental product declarations in more fields such as public tenders, building tools and other environmental calculation tools.

– This is a big step forward. The possibility of accessing environmental product declarations in a digital format will simplify the interpretation and pave the way for a broader use of the EPD information in several market-based applications, says Sven-Olof Ryding, senior advisor at EPD International. EPD stands for Environmental Product Declaration and is an environmental declaration reviewed by a third party, which provides an objective description of the environmental impact of products and services from a lifecycle perspective. Interest in, and demand for, this type of environmental information has increased rapidly in recent years. The number of registered environmental product declarations in the EPD system now exceeds 1 000, half of which were registered during the last three years. The product category with the biggest increase is construction products. In the new database, all digitized data is linked to EPDs that have been reviewed and approved in the international EPD system, and thereby enabling the communication of scientific, verified and comparable information on the environmental performance of products. The digital legibility of the information means no manual import or export is needed and it can be merged with other registers. – The availability of digital EPD data will be a major improvement for the construction sector. This data can, for example, be used in the open, common tool in the industry BM, the construction sector's environmental calculation tool, which IVL developed to calculate the climate impact of buildings. The tool can be used to support climate requirements in tenders, but also to make environmental improvements in terms of material choices and production methods, says Martin Erlandsson, life cycle analysis expert at IVL. For more information, contact: Sebastian Welling, sebastian.welling@ivl.se, tel. + 46 (0)10-788 65 59 Kristian Jelse, kristian.jelse@ivl.se, tel. +46 0(10)-788 69 13