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  3. [2015-12-08] New report shows that Uganda can become 100 percent renewable by 2050
News | 2015-12-08

New report shows that Uganda can become 100 percent renewable by 2050

In a new report a scenario with 100 percent renewable energy future for Uganda is presented. According to the report, modern energy services can be rolled-out to the whole population by 2030, and by 2050 a modern energy system based on renewable energy sources can be achieved. The report is published by WWF Uganda Country Office and was developed by a team of researchers led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

The scenario shows that a renewable energy system is a competitive option in the Sub-Saharan African region. Not only will it provide modern energy services to people and society, it is also motivated from an economic point of view and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Today the main source of energy in Uganda comes from solid biomass. The high dependency of solid biomass is one of the consequences for deforestation taking place in the country. The use of biomass in traditional stoves with low efficiency is also causing respiratory problems for people exposed to the smoke. - Over 90 percent of Uganda’s population still depends on firewood and charcoal to meet their cooking energy needs. Access to modern energy services such as the grid electricity is also very low, compared to the rest of Africa and the global average, says Mr. David Duli, Country Director at the WWF Uganda Country Office. The scenario shows a way forward where high priority is given to introduce efficient transformation and end-use technologies in all sectors. The scenario recognizes that solid biomass will still play a central role in the future energy system in Uganda. But in order for this to be sustainable the demands will have to decrease, and end-use technologies as well as transformation technologies, such as charcoal making, will have to be improved. Electricity use per capita in Uganda is amongst the lowest in Africa. Access is very limited. Generation capacity will have to increase. On-grid and off-grid expansion will have to go hand in hand in order to ensure that all people will have access to electricity services by 2030. The transport sector is expected to continue to grow, with transportation options that are using biofuels and electricity. The energy scenario takes full advantage of public transportation options and also expects the existing train system to be expanded. - Today renewable technologies provide a very competitive solution to supply electricity and heat in Uganda. The scenario provides a course of action to take advantage of the potentials found in the country but also moving away from an energy system that is causing environmental, health and socio-economic problems, says Mathias Gustavsson at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute who has been the research team leader. Download the report: Energy Report for Uganda – A 100% renewable energy future by 2050 The Energy Report for Uganda – A 100% renewable energy future by 2050 is published by the WWF Uganda Country Office. The study was commissioned by a team of researchers led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and included members from African Solar Design in Kenya and Unit of Energy Systems Analysis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH-dESA). For questions please contact: Mathias Gustavsson, mathias.gustavsson@ivl.se, +46 (0)10 7886895