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IVL's experts in PFAS

IVL helps you develop solutions that contribute to sustainable operations and a sustainable society. Do you have any questions? Contact one of our experts.

Hannes Waldetoft

The image shows a man


Hannes works mainly with PFASs in fish, and conducts comparisons with limit values and health-based guideline values (tolerable intake). His work includes sampling in fish and water.

Raed Awad

Porträtt av Rael Awad

Environmental chemistry

Raed is a researcher and expert on PFASs with extensive experience in PFAS risk assessment and PFAS analysis in different matrices, including development and validation of PFAS analysis method in both wet-lab and instrumental analysis.

Ioannis Liagkouridis

Photo of a man

Environmental chemistry

Ioannis is a researcher and expert on PFAS-related issues. His work includes the application of analytical and modelling tools to determine the presence of PFASs and emission sources in the environment and consumer products, the transport of PFASs in the environment, and the risk and exposure assessment of PFASs.

Rupali Deshmukh

PFAS coordinator India,
Business development

Rupali is a sustainability expert with extensive knowledge of water, wastewater, waste, textile sorting and recycling, and resource efficiency for sustainable and cleaner production. Rupali has a broad international experience with a large number of clients in the public and private sectors. She coordinates IVL's PFAS work in India.

Linda Önnby

Porträtt på Linda Önnby

Associate professor and researcher in environmental chemistry
Environmental and water engineering

Linda has extensive experience in oxidative water treatment such as ozonation and design of adsorbents to capture metals in different types of water. In recent years, Linda has mainly worked with organic micropollutants, PFAS and methods for assessing toxic effects. Linda has experience in leading research projects and larger assignments for wastewater treatment plants and industries.

Fredrik Hedman

Expert separation technology Environmental and water engineering

Fredrik is an expert in separation technology regarding physical-chemical processes and he works, among other things, with the separation of PFASs mainly in industrial water and leachate. He has experience in running projects from lab scale experiments, planning and operation of pilot plants up to dimensioning, design, procurement and finished plant.

Yanjing Zhu

Portraits of Zhu Yanjing IVL staff in china

PFAS Coordinator China Business development

Yanjing has over ten years of experience in international project work, mainly in EU projects. She coordinates IVL's work on PFASs in China.

Axel Lavenius

Data and sustainability expert

Axel works with PFAS issues within mass classification plans in GIS regarding soil masses to be landfilled, treated as hazardous waste or reused on site. He works mainly with big data, machine learning, and different types of modelling, mainly in Python, R, and GIS.

Jonas Henriksson

PFAS specialist, water and soil
Project office

Jonas has more than 30 years of experience in leading projects with environmental toxins in soil and water, where in recent years projects with problems regarding sources, distribution, effects and measures regarding pesticides and PFASs constitute the lion's share. Since January 2023 Jonas has been PFAS specialist and coordinator of contaminated areas for all of Swedavia's airports.

Christian Baresel

Expert in micropollutant treatment
Environmental and water engineering

Christian Baresel is an expert in wastewater treatment with a focus on micropollutants and water reuse. He is a senior project manager and has extensive experience in resource-efficient water treatment, including several pilot projects and studies on the removal and management of pharmaceutical residues and PFASs.

Mayumi Narongin-Fujikawa

Portrait of  Mayumi Narongin, coworker at IVL

PFAS coordinator
Environmental and water engineering

Mayumi works with the coordination of the international PFAS network Baltic Sea PFAS Network, and is the coordinator of the pilot activity for water treatment at SWIC, which also tests the removal of PFASs from wastewater streams.

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